え、神機能じゃん?Microsoftは、Windows Insider Program向けのアップデートとして、Windows PCとiPhoneのあいだでワイヤレスにファイルのやり取りができる機能を導入し始めました。条件付きのWindows版AirDropこれはWindows 11またはWindows 10、およびiOS 16以降で利用できる機能。Windowsアプリ「スマートフォン連携(Ph ...
The latest Phone Link update for Insiders brings file transfers to iPhones. You can transfer a file from iPhone to Windows and vice versa with ease. All you need to do is click the share button on ...
マイクロソフトは、Windows Insiderプログラムのユーザー向けに、iPhoneとWindows PC間でのファイル共有機能の提供を開始しました。この新機能により、iPhoneとWindows間でのファイル転送が容易になり、両デバイスのユーザーエクスペリエンスが向上します。
Microsoft is the latest company trying to navigate Apple’s closed ecosystem to make it file-sharing between iOS and Windows more convenient and seamless. Devices running Windows 10 or Windows 11 can ...
One of the biggest selling points of the Apple ecosystem is the ability to work seamlessly across different devices -- like the handy AirDrop feature for easy file transfer. In an announcement ...
We list the best file transfer software ... Even as the likes of Google, Apple and Microsoft have rolled out their own file syncing and cloud storage services, Dropbox (which has been going ...
Microsoft is making significant strides in improving cross-platform compatibility between Windows PCs and iPhones. The tech giant is introducing a new feature designed to simplify file sharing between ...