ミルクガラス容器で有名な「Fire-King Japan(ファイヤーキングジャパン)」と、アメリカ創業のスポーツ用品メーカー 「Wilson(ウイルソン)」。
Farmery introduces A2 cow milk in eco-friendly glass bottles sourced from local indigenous cow breeds in New Delhi NCR.
The days of a hat-topped milkman dropping off a crate of glass milk bottles at your doorstep are long in the past, but it may ...
Reports on the findings of 3 NZ dietitians, Carol Wham, Simone Dumergue and Vicky Hamilton, which suggest the importance and need to increase milk and low-fat dairy intake in the NZ diet.
“They made high quality white milk glass, and they painted just about everything they did,” says Ken Kosoglow of Claridge, a board member of the Westmoreland Glass Collectors’ Club.