The Escape Plan film series are composed of action-thriller movies based on characters created by Miles Chapman and Arnell Jesko. The films are centered on a businessman and skilled structure ...
Escape Plan: The Extractors (2019) is the sequel to Escape Plan (2013) and Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018). The movie is about Ray Breslin being tasked with rescuing Daya Zhang, the daughter of a ...
Ray Breslin and his team of security experts fight to rescue Breslin’s girlfriend and a tech mogul’s daughter from a formidable prison known as Devil’s Station.
A magnetic Sylvester Stallone stars in this unflinchingly violent action thriller. A group of security experts are hired to save an heiress from being held hostage.
The franchises original film, which co-starred WWE Hall of Famer Arnold Schwarzenegger, received mixed reviews while grossing $137 million worldwide. Here’s the official synopsis for Escape Plan: The ...
The Escape Plan film series are composed of action-thriller movies based on characters created by Miles Chapman and Arnell Jesko. The films are centered on a businessman and skilled structure ...
When a structural-security authority finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world's most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside.
The Escape Plan film series are composed of action-thriller movies based on characters created by Miles Chapman and Arnell Jesko. The films are centered on a businessman and skilled structure ...