nx4800/CTほどの派手さはないが、圧倒的なプライスパフォーマンスが魅力的なスタンダードA4ノートブックPCが、このHP Compaq Business Notebook nx9030/CTだ。
ノートブックPCにLINE-IN端子ってついていますか こんにちは。カセットテープの音声をPCに移したいと思っています。そこで ...
Xiaomi has been taking things slow and steady in the laptop space in India, with just a handful of models launched since it brought the first Mi Notebook here in mid-2020. Rather than attacking every ...
The Mi Notebook Ultra has a lot going for it, especially considering its price. The standout feature is its 15.6-inch 3200x2000 pixel 16:10 90Hz screen. This is great for productivity and multitasking ...