In One Piece, the most infamous title in the entire series is that of the Pirate King. The role of Pirate King, despite being more of an honorary title than an actual position, is an interesting ...
According to the recent spoilers of One Piece chapter 1134, Shanks might have a twin brother after all which liberates him of ...
As a story, One Piece has always been full of twists, turns, and surprises. Although on the surface, Luffy’s journey to become the Pirate King may seem simple, Oda, being the author of the ...
In Yamato’s flashback, Ace is certain that his little brother would one day become the Pirate King. Yamato gives Ace his Vivre Card, and they promise to meet again. Show more In Yamato’s ...
Luffy, a young pirate captain, and his Straw Hats crew, on a quest to become Pirate King and find the legendary ... However, ...
Fans are excited about the release date of One Piece Chapter 1135 and eager to know where to read the manga. The story ...