Outdoor kiosks can streamline processes that can otherwise require long wait times or inefficient searching. Use cases include wayfinding, pubic information, bill payment, ticketing, check-in, parking ...
Operators are increasingly turning to KIOSK Information Systems to leverage modernized payment and rental hardware paired with tailored software. Traditional ATM kiosks have paved an exceptional ...
MINNEAPOLIS — Helpful and fun information towers are popping up along busy streets in downtown Minneapolis. They're called IKE, which stands for interactive kiosk experience. The kiosk works as ...
The city’s Tourism Department has installed interactive visitor information kiosks around Manitowoc, balancing new technology trends with practical solutions. The kiosks offer details on events ...
Legends Outlets Kansas City is launching a new outdoor retail cart area called the Legends Marketplace. Legends Marketplace is seeking short-term and long-term tenants for the carts. Short-term ...
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Traditional tourist-information centres, like the ones at airports, railway stations, etc., are set to be replaced with state-of-the-art kiosks enabled with chatbots.