Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue, released as Red and Green in Japan, are the first pair of games in the Pokémon franchise. Game Freak developed this adorable monster-collecting RPG for the original Game ...
I've always wanted to play Pokemon Blue as Green instead of Red. I've adapted some of (wip) Hatun's Blue sprites using GIMP. As I play through I may modify some of the text to fix some discontinuity, ...
Pokemon Pocket’s Mythical Island set introduces Blue, Leaf, and Budding Expeditioner Supporter cards, and here’s the one you ...
So, let's discuss Energy. This deck focuses solely on Normal-type Pokémon, meaning you can choose any type of Energy and it will work. The Trainer cards in the Blue-themed deck are essential to making ...
with all of the Supporters being characters from Pokemon Red & Blue, and the three Genetic Apex packs focusing on Mewtwo, Charizard, and Pikachu. The next Booster Pack continues the Gen 1 love ...