He needed a way to switch twelve RGB flood lights which pull 10 Watts. His controller was designed to communicate with them via RS485, with an AVR Xmega8E5 controlling the system. We like it that ...
Many of the best gaming keyboards already allow you to perform slick lighting tricks on a per-game basis, but the choices on this list are PC peripherals absolutely tailored for RGB light shows.
The latest fashion in PCs. Starting in the mid-2010s, RGB lighting adds flair to what has traditionally been a rectangular black box. Red, green and blue LED lights adorn any or all of the ...
If you know the red, green, and blue components of the light that correspond to maximum reflectance, then you know the color of the object. Their sensor uses a four-lead RGB LED, but we suppose a ...
This one too has an RGB light strip around the edges and an RGB ... It comes with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti graphics card. You get 8GB of RAM and 1TB of SSD storage with this laptop.The ...