Toei Animation's Sailor Moon Crystal anime series is now airing on TV in Canada for the first time, with the show being broadcast four days a week via major media and licensing company Wildbrain.
Usagi Tsukino is chosen to be a guardian of justice and is sent on a quest to locate a Silver Crystal before the Dark Kingdom invades the Earth. ABC iview Home Watch all your favourite ABC programs on ...
This Sailor Moon Blu-ray collection is releasing on Feb. 11. Preorder your copy now. Disclaimer: When you purchase through ...
Sailor Moon Crystal, a continuation of the series, was more faithful to the manga source material. The original Sailor Moon ran for 200 episodes. As a result, it's only natural that not every ...
Sailor Moon was one of the biggest success stories of the 1990s anime boom in the West, and soon fans of the old-school anime ...
Tuxedo Mask may remind fans of some surprising parallels in shonen anime despite his shojo background as a character.