東北大学大学院 工学研究科 ロボティクス専攻 シニアリサーチフェロー 門田 道雄 氏(元株式会社村田製作所)にご講演をいただきます。 株式会社AndTech(本社:神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:陶山 正夫、以下 ...
SAWの民生用への応用はテレビの映像中間周波数(VIF)用フィルタが最初で、その後SAWデバイスは自動車電話、コードレス電話、ペジャ用などへの ...
However, the reality is that many tradeoffs must be considered when selecting the best filter for system design applications. SAW filter technology offers advantages of reduced size and weight, which ...
I'd like to add a SAW filter, TDK B39921B3728U410, to the reference design, along with their recommendation for ESD protection. I want to keep the option of either the SMA or printed antenna also. So ...
Widely used in mobile phones to filter both RF and IF frequencies, a SAW filter uses the piezoelectric effect to turn the input signal into vibrations that are turned back into electrical signals ...