One such intriguing video that has recently gone viral showcases a woman holding a shark egg, shedding light on this crucial stage of a shark's development. The viral nature of this video indicates a ...
A huge variety of animals produce eggs. These help to protect and provide for offspring as they develop. There are over 500 species of shark living in waters around the world and the majority give ...
By setting up a tiny filming studio behind the scenes at the National SeaLife Centre in Birmingham, we were able to get a unique and privileged view actually inside a shark’s egg. We were able ...
Not actually an accessory for the mythical creature, these small casings are the eggs of sharks and their relatives For around 455 million years, scientists believe sharks have been swimming the ...
Only one specimen of the small ocean shark, characterized by its bright white eyes, smooth dark skin, and uniquely ridged egg sack, has been found. Thankfully, that specimen was a female ...
The family of a boy with autism say they are "delighted" he has finally opened a Kinder Egg containing a shark toy after an eight-month quest. "Shark-mad" Jayden Lakey, aged six, from Plymouth ...