The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 III is launched in India. It is Sony’s flagship compact digital camera, built around a 1 inch-type Exmor RS stacked CMOS sensor(Crop ...
The Sony DSC-RX10 IV is launched in India. It is premium superzoom bridge camera (DSLR-like form factor) with a 24-600mm equivalent F2.4-4 zoom lens, and a 20MP 1"-type stacked BSI-CMOS(crop frame ...
The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 III marries a top-notch 25x zoom lens to a large image sensor and delivers excellent images, 4K video, and fast autofocus. But it carries a premium price tag.
Use "Viewer" to quickly preview, rate, and select photos from large image libraries; and "Edit" to develop RAW data into high-quality photos for delivery. Get the best from Sony RAW files, and manage ...