Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the OBD-II UART. Getting Started with OBD-II - A general guide to the OBD-II protocols used for communication in automotive and industrial applications. WIG-09555 ...
and to provide a 6-pin UART header that is compatible with other SparkFun breakout boards. This breakout has a microUSB connector and other support circuitry to get the IC quickly up and running.
Again, there are no UART drivers on this board, but if you procurred those from Sparkfun and the Launchpad from TI, you would have a pretty inexpensive platform on which to build your solution.
I have been using the SCI1 UART from the debug port all the time and it works fine. However, when I tried to use the sci1 on booster #2, serial communication does not ...