SB C&Sは、Turtle Beachより人間工学に基づくデザインのゲーミングマウス「Kone II」シリーズとマルチプラットフォーム対応のワイヤレスゲーミングヘッドセット「Stealth 700 Gen 3」シリーズの販売を開始した。
Kone II Air(左 ブラック,右 ホワイト) ヘッドセットのStealth 700 Gen 3は,Turtle Beach製ゲーマー向けヘッドセットの中でも上位モデルに位置付け ...
Budget-friendly wired headset that offers high-quality sound. The Stealth LED Panther is accessible and just what you would expect from a gaming headset. The RGB lights are minimalistic but give it ...
Many gamers find the limited platform compatibility of headsets frustrating. This is a concern, especially for an owner of a ...
The Stealth 700 Gen 3 offers not one but three scroll wheels: one for volume, one which lets you adjust your game and chat ...
The Stealth XP Warrior headset may be a budget entry level device but don’t let that deter you from giving it serious consideration as your next gaming headset purchase; although most entry level ...
Competitive gaming is now a high-stakes world, and here, the margin between victory and defeat can be razor-thin. One crucial ...