Unlike a DVR system, with an NVR-based system, a camera that is capable of capturing high resolution ... system configurations supporting up to thousands of cameras and hundreds of recorders and ...
DVRをPCで再生できる、無料ソフトはないですか? オリンパスvoice-trek DP-301 のレコーダーでとったものを、PCにSDカードで移しました。 初めてでよく分からずに操作したのですが、あとで再生が出来なくて、 Microsoft 録画一覧ファイル (.... DVR-BZ110RAMを入れ ...
The SD Excel is ideal for high end and critical infrastructure applications where there is a need to integrate high definition IP camera recording with standard definition images for general ...
Used in an IP surveillance system, the hybrid DVR can be a stand-alone device or a plug-in card for a PC. See network camera and NVR. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other ...
EKE-Electronics will supply crashproof event recorders for Sao Paulo Metro in Brazil ... In Sao Paulo Metro, the EKE-Trainnet event recorder is configured to always store the last two hours of footage ...