The Ring, directed by Gore Verbinski, is a remake of the Japanese film Ringu, based on the novel by Koji Suzuki by the same name. The Ring was filmed in 2001 and released on October 18th, 2002. The ...
The War of the Rohirrim is struggling on Rotten Tomatoes. Animated in a traditional Japanese anime style, the movie is set ...
“All Middle-earth knows the tale of the War Of The Ring,” moodily ... this spin-off film sometimes struggles to shake off — despite some impressive work. Directed by Japanese anime master ...
Set 183 years before the events of The Lord Of The Ring films, it tells the story ... of anime and within the great tradition of Japanese film-making,” she adds. Like many anime stories, Tolkien ...
No elves, no dwarves, and not a hobbit in sight: The Lord of the Rings returns to the big screen this month with a new Japanese anime-style film about the warring men of JRR Tolkien's fictional ...
Lo, back in the 13th century of the Second Age (well, 1969 anyway), the wags at National Lampoon, already wearied by orcs and hobbits, published a parody of JRR Tolkien ’s most famous work, entitled ...
From The Animatrix to powerhouse Japanese studio Science Saru bringing ... For more, check out our guide to how to watch the Lord of the Rings movies in order.