Visit To start a game, type "start" You now have 10 seconds to type out all the words displayed. For every word you type correctly, your score increases, and you also get 1 ...
KotakuLíon na míonna: 6
Typing game
"Typing Game" is the perfect game to train your typing in a serious and more relaxed way thanks to its three difficulties I want to be alone, in space, probably being a criminal, too! If you’re ...
GitHubLíon na míonna: 9
Welcome to the Typing Game repository! This is a fun and interactive game that helps you improve your typing speed and accuracy.The game presents you with random words, and your goal is to type them ...
You’ll soon be touch typing like an expert ... You will need headphones or speakers to enjoy the song and dance in each game.
GameSpew on MSNLíon na míonna: 3
The best typing games on Steam
It’s not easy. Read more about The Textorcist Typer Shark Deluxe offers up a simple typing game in its most basic form, but ...
Over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself reflecting a lot on the kinds of games I played as a kid growing up in the 1990s.
Japanese indie label WSSplayground announced that they will be releasing Needy Streamer Overload: Typing of The Net on PC (Steam) on January 21, 2025. A spin-off of WhySoSerious’s acclaimed adventure ...