The result is a very tiny auto-on circuit able fit inside a pair of speakers. The circuit is built around the ATtiny13, very nearly the smallest microcontroller available with an on-board ADC.
Executive Editor David Carnoy has been a leading member of CNET's Reviews team since 2000. He covers the gamut of gadgets and is a notable reviewer of mobile accessories and portable audio ...
Check out our favorite wireless speakers from JBL, which has everything from a tiny micro Bluetooth speaker ... audiophile gear, PC speakers Credentials Maggie Award for Best Regularly Featured ...
Here’s how it works. Our team of audio experts has been reviewing the best Bluetooth speakers for nearly two decades. If you’re feeling nostalgic, take a look at our Parrot DS1120 Bluetooth Sp ...
You’ll see tiny options from beloved brands like JBL and Bose as well as super cute novelty speakers and an array of waterproof options that are ideal for taking to the beach or using in the shower.