A comprehensive thermodynamic model reveals how hydrogen-powered, heavy-duty trucks could drive for the longest possible ...
AZL CAD design and CAE analysis examples for Type 4 hydrogen pressure vessels ... Compared to state-of-the-art vessels, hydrogen-over-tank-weight efficiencies could be improved from the standard 6-7% ...
The K3 runs on hydrogen to be fast and stealthy. It's also capable of operating in automated mode. Silent, fast and maneuverable, the future K3 tank from Hyundai Rotem would be difficult to detect.
Hexagon Purus provides complete containerized systems for transport and storage of hydrogen Hexagon's primary cylinder product is the Type-4 tanks. Their design consists of a polymer lining ...
Depending on the application, different hydrogen storage technologies are possible. High-pressure tanks for gas storage currently dominate in the land transport sector, while the storage of liquid ...
Hexagon Purus will continue to provide its Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinders for New Flyer’s next generation, zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE FC™, enabling a ...
Hexagon Purus will continue to provide its Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinders for New Flyer's next generation, zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE FCTM ...