Several learning materials can exist for one course unit. There are the following types of learning materials: Links to learning materials are either accessible to the public, or only to students.
The programme includes learning materials and references and can combine webinars, workshops and sessions to achieve pre-set learning outcomes which are agreed between participants and trainers.
All lecturers of the course unit and their substitutes can mutate data. There are the following types of learning materials: Website with detailed information on the programme or context of the course ...
These types of course offerings require the instructor and all enrolled students to interact online simultaneously. Similar in some ways to a webinar, participants ...
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), with collaborators at University College London, have developed ...
The materials shows how to build and train deep neural networks—learning how to apply methods such as dropout, initialization, different types of optimizers and batch normalization. The course then ...
IISc and UCL researchers unveil a groundbreaking machine learning technique that accurately predicts material properties with ...
A novel machine learning framework accelerates the discovery of ionic thermoelectric materials, achieving precise Seebeck ...