また、「USB-シリアル」変換アダプタをご使用いただく場合は、「「USB-シリアル」変換アダプタをご使用いただく場合の注意」も合わせてご覧ください。 USB端子を持つノートパソコンなどでUSB-シリアル変換アダプタをご使用の場合、アダプタのチップと ...
Two ports not enough for your parallel hacking needs? Believe it or not, we’ve also seen a quad USB-to-serial adapter that you can put together, though it’s a considerably more complex circuit.
[Ted] has demonstrated using a common USB to serial adapter as an SDR transmitter. That’s right, using the cheap little UART adapter you’ve almost certainly got sitting in your parts bin right ...
This firmware turns a PIC 16F1454 into a USB to Serial adapter like e.g. the famous FTDI FT232RL. The code is mainly a copy of the this project, which is basically a stand-alone copy of Microchip's ...
NFT24L01(+) is a small and cheap 2.4GHz radio receiver/transmitter controllable via Serial Peripheral Interface and produced by Nordic semiconductor. Mount your NRF24L01(+) on the adapter orienting ...
Is there a USB to serial adapter that support the SCI mode with 8 data bits + address bit + parity bit? Or at least an adapter for 8 data bits + address bit ? I spent some time searching on the ...