VR/MRヘッドセットMeta Questシリーズの公式ストアで「ホリデーセール」が開始されました。1月6日(月)11:59(米国太平洋時間)まで、人気タイトルが最大50%OFFになります。 本記事では、セール中のVRゲームをピックアップして紹介します。 アサシン ...
With Batman: Arkham Shadow, developer Camouflaj takes everything that makes the Arkham series unique and cleverly translates ...
There's stealth too, which is a real highlight in ... As you'd expect from one of the best VR games, a solid setting helps enhance the experience, which Arizona Sunshine 2 definitely delivers.
There's stealth too, which is a real highlight in ... As you'd expect from one of the best VR games, a solid setting helps enhance the experience, which Arizona Sunshine 2 definitely delivers.
With the best VR games, you're doing more than playing a ... That's basically Phantom: Covert Ops, a stealth action game where you row through a paramilitary compound with a silenced pistol ...
so it only makes sense that some of the best games are survival games. VR takes survival to another level, becoming immersive and heart pounding, so survival VR games are even better. Some games ...
Own a VR headset? There's a VR adaptation of Sniper ... It isn't as in-depth as some other stealth games, but it makes it ...
UNIVRSは本日,漫画「進撃の巨人」を題材とした“VR専用立体機動ハンティングACT”「進撃の巨人VR: Unbreakable」をMeta ...
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Home VR Home is a thrilling VR stealth game following the story of a little girl trying to escape monsters in her boarding school. Think Alien ...
This upgrade allows gamers to enjoy the best parts of the VR Game Of The Year, Arkham Shadow, without interruption.
In the absence of publishers doing what is right and porting their finest games to VR, we have Luke Ross. The modder has taken it upon himself to convert some of the biggest PC games into VR over ...