(라스베이거스=뉴스1) 박주평 기자 = 가상현실(VR), 증강현실(AR) 기술이 일반적으로 많이 쓰이던 게임뿐 아니라 산업 현장에서 실무 숙달을 위한 훈련용으로 쓰이거나 인공지능(AI)과 결합해 통역, 정보 제공 등을 ...
(서울=뉴스1) 김민재 기자 = 메타가 VR 헤드셋 시장에서의 입지를 연일 넓히고 있다. 애플은 '비전 프로', 삼성전자는 '프로젝트 무한'으로 VR 헤드셋 시장을 공략한다.30일 비즈니스 인사이더 등 외신에 따르면 ...
A cheap little workout programme without too many thrills, Vrit is a good start for VR fitness beginners. One of the hardest part of any workout is the boredom that kicks in whilst you’re on a ...
실험실 쥐가 가상현실(VR) 기술을 생생하게 체험할 수 있는 전용 고글이 개발됐다고 IT매체 기즈모도가 29일(현지시간) 보도했다.미국 코넬대학 연구진은 ‘마우스고글스’(MouseGoggles)라는 VR 제품을 개발했다.
VR headsets are more and more common with many brands to choose from. We've tested quite a few and have our thoughts to share with you. I started with CNET reviewing laptops in 2009. Now I explore ...
Virtual reality, or VR for short, was supposed to be the next big thing in tech. While it hasn’t quite gotten there yet, it’s surely come a long way. If you’re just getting into VR, and you don’t want ...
Sony’s PlayStation VR2 is an impressive piece of tech, but all signs indicate it hasn’t had a particularly successful launch.
You can choose between storages of either 128GB or 512GB. While you won't be able to use mixed reality with the Quest 2, it's still a good option to consider if you're looking for a VR headset on a ...
Beat Saber is quite a tactile game, with controls that vibrate as you swing at blocks coming towards you, but it's not filled ...
If the VR headset you're using isn't on one of these lists, there's still a good chance it works with SteamVR. But you should check with the manufacturer to make sure. Sony's PlayStation VR2 ...
Another must-play game for everyone with a Meta Quest 3 or Quest 3S – not least of which because it’s free with new headset ...