LG announced this week that it bought WebOS, the mobile operating system that used to be Palm before it was purchased by HP. After failing with its WebOS TouchPad tablet, HP decided to make WebOS ...
LG webOS is the operating system that runs LG TVs ... You'll have to set up Home Assistant on a remote of some sort, like a tablet, phone, or hub, to be able to do these. I'll list the best ...
Palm was also showing off the new PalmOS emulator, which lets you run old PalmOS apps on a new webOS phone like the Pre. Like most emulators, it runs as an app, and presents a whole separate ...
webOS Synergy synchronization connector for Message Bridge to sync iMessages. Please read notes.md for more documentation on how this was built. This is an app for the defunct mobile webOS platform, ...
The Flash support will be made available via a browser plug-in downloadable to any webOS phone via the app store. Palm also launched 3G gaming for the webOS platform today. About seven games are ...
Uncertainty in Hewlett Packard's WebOS business unit has opened the door for Apple, Intel and a host of mobile startups to lure away some of HP's sales and engineering talent. Here's what we know ...