で公開された情報から、Appleが、折りたたみiPhoneのディスプレイに傷がついても自己修復される、セルフリペア機能の搭載を研究していることが ...
アップルは11月、米国で「Self Service Repair」なるものをアナウンスした。iPhoneを自分で修理できるプログラムだという。聞こえはいいが、果たして ...
Appleが発表した「セルフサービスリペア」 iPhone 13や12を対象にして ... は、修理マニュアルを参照してApple Self Service Repair OnlineStoreを利用し、Apple ...
iOS 15.2は、iPhone向けOSの次期バージョンで、12月中にリリースされる見込みだ。 同社は11月、新たなプログラム「Self Service Repair」を2022年に提供 ...
アップルのSelf Service Repairが広く使われるためには ... おそらくほとんどのiPhoneユーザーは画面が壊れたから、あるいはバッテリーの持ちが悪く ...
Apple's 79-pound iPhone Self Repair Program toolkit is on our test bench. Here's what's inside the hefty repair package. After launching the Self Repair Program for iPhones earlier in 2022 ...
If you've already smashed your iPhone 16 screen or destroyed its battery somehow, repair parts for Apple's latest smartphone are now available on its self-service website. As MacRumors reports ...
Apple Self Service Repair currently supports 35 Apple products, including the more recent iPhone models, desktops, and some laptops that run on M1, M2, or M3 chips. If you're an iPhone user ...
The iPhone 16 and 16 Pro models launched less than two months ago, so hopefully yours is still shiny and pristine. But accidents happen. Here’s what self-service iPhone 16 and 16 Pro repairs ...
Apple is expanding its self-service repair program by selling parts for the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro directly to consumers, allowing for DIY repairs on commonly damaged parts like cameras, displays, and ...
Apple has begun selling replacement parts for its iPhone 16 series, expanding its self-repair program to include cameras, displays, batteries, and other components for its latest devices.