Gotham/GC Images Blake Lively has been in the business for two decades, making headlines both on and off the screen. Lively ...
The 6th Generation iPod Nano was something of a revelation on launch. Packing a color screen, audio hardware, and a rechargable battery into a package no bigger than a large postage stamp remains ...
The “iPhone 17 Air” is already expected to cut corners by going with a single camera. Some sources have suggested Apple is ...
However, the Apple Watch has picked up some of the music devices' legacy. Like some of the smallest iPods, it could be wor ...
But while the iPod has been relegated to the dustbin of history, the AirPods have kept getting better, leading to the ...
Honestly, it’s kind of amazing. The interface is almost identical to what you would see on an iPod Classic or an iPod Nano. The home screen shows options for shuffling your songs, browsing your music, ...
This build comes to us from [Hugo] who made the painstaking effort of removing the old NAND flash storage chip from an iPod Nano by hand, soldering 0.15mm enameled magnet wire to an 0.5mm pitch ...
iPod nano 5G Apple's 5th generation nano, with a video camera iPod nano 4G Apple's 4th generation nano, in 8 and 16 gig capacities iPod nano 3G Apple's 3rd generation nano now does video too, in 4 and ...
“1,000 songs in your pocket … impossibly small” was used to introduce the iPod nano, as Steve Jobs pulled it out of the small hip pocket of his jeans: The new player included a color display and ...