Our students and faculty are changing the world through their contributions to computing education, research, and industry. These awards received by members of the UT Computer Science community make ...
Thanks to Don Slater at CMU for letting me use this page. Important. Download and install Java first per these instructions then download and install the Eclipse IDE per these instructions. Other ...
The Schur Number Five challenge is a typical example of Ramsey Theory. The challenge originates from the early 20th century, when Issai Schur studied the question whether one can avoid a monochromatic ...
Sihang Guo, Ruohan Zhang, Bo Liu, Yifeng Zhu, Mary Hayhoe, Dana Ballard, and Peter Stone, In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021, Virtual ...
I am currently conducting fundamental research in the area of distributed real-time systems. My primary concerns include specification techniques for real-time systems, algorithms for guaranteeing ...
As of August 2020 I'm a research scientist at Sony AI. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research in the reinforcement learning group.
MJRTY - A Fast Majority Vote Algorithm, with R.S. Boyer. In R.S. Boyer (ed.), Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe, Automated Reasoning Series ...
AHEAD (Algebraic Hierarchical Equations for Application Design) is an architectural model for feature oriented programming (FOP) and a basis for large-scale compositional programming. Features are the ...
The full paper can be found here. This page provides details on the optimization of walk parameters for an omnidirectional walk engine which was the key component in UT Austin Villa winning the 2011 ...
Copyright © 2011 by Gordon S. Novak Jr. Permission is granted for individuals to make copies of these notes for personal use, or for instructors to make copies for ...
Computer ethics as a field of study was founded by MIT professor Norbert Wiener during World War Two (early 1940s) while helping to develop an antiaircraft cannon capable of shooting down fast ...
CS 314 covers methods for storing large amounts of data in data structures, the algorithms used to efficiently access and manipulate that data, and analysis of the performance of the algorithms.