値上がりが気になるガソリン価格。12月19日に5円ほど値上げして、1月16日にも相次いで5円ほど値上がりします。 今回は「ガソリン価格の値上がり」について、農家やタクシーなど、対応に追われる業界の現場を取材しました。※1月7日放送 180円~185円まで上がるガソリン価格 ...
The U.S. Senate passed a continuing resolution on Dec. 21 that extends current government funding levels for three months. Additionally, the 2018 Farm Bill has been extended for another year. This ...
ガソリン価格が上昇している。価格を調査する石油情報センターによると秋田県のレギュラーガソリン1リットル当たりの平均価格(6日時点)は178円で、170円台後半となるのは2023年10月以来。先月19日から政府が石油元売り会社に支給している補助金が段階 ...
According to GasBuddy price reports, the least expensive station in Roanoke was priced at $2.57/g Sunday, while the most ...
ホンダ「プレリュード」復活にかかる3つの期待 鈴木 ケンイチ92 ホンダ電動化の幕開け、BEV「N-VAN e:」に期待 平塚 直樹68 ホンダ「N-VAN e:」EV時代の未来を示した姿に拍手 御堀 直嗣48 ...
Average gasoline prices in Wyoming have risen 2 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2.85 per gallon on Monday, ...
As a new administration takes over in Washington, Christianson is hoping consumers will be able to put e-85 blend gasoline in their vehicles year round, and that Trump and the EPA continues to deny ...
The self-built La Canada float for the 136th Rose Parade answers the question: Can a float run on battery-electric power?
The self-built La Canada float for the 136th Rose Parade answers the question: Can a float run on battery-electric power?
Today, nearly all hotels and accommodations in Bilene beach are without guests. Tourism managers report significant losses, ...
Outrage over the handling of the devastating Los Angeles fires is heating up amid reports that city leaders failed to prepare ...