Fans of IKEA will love this genius idea that is going viral on social media right now. TikToker Tina Le Mac shared the ...
David Beckham appears to love an image of himself so much that he has had it turned into a giant piece of art that he has ...
Known for his colourful artwork and activism in the HIV/AIDS and 2SLGBTQ+ communities, Average passed away peacefully in his ...
Crafting is not just for kids—it’s a timeless activity that stimulates creativity, relieves stress, and provides a sat ...
A woman has detailed how she turned her drab home into her dream 'little haven of eclectic maximalism', all on a budget and ...
Lizzie Spikes and Becky Barratt are the two very different brains behind successful Welsh brand Driftwood Designs ...
Kaja Veilleux has been hunting New England attic treasures for more than 50 years. He once found a copy of the Declaration of ...
After struggling to live on the income from a hodge-podge of jobs, Joe Average found success in creating art. His first works ...
Play Airlines Pilot Una Gísladóttir shares what it's like to view — and capture pictures of — the northern lights from 35,000 ...
Before we say goodbye to 2024, here’s a look at some of this year’s prettiest and informational coffee table books by local ...
残堀支店(東京都武蔵村山市)の支店長だった20年前、渉外担当者が椅子のパンフレットをもってきた。手作業で削り出されたウォールナットの曲線の美しさに目がくぎ付けになった。家具について詳しいわけではなかったが、一目見て世界で通用すると直感した。その椅子を ...
現代美術家VIKI(ヴィキ)さんが、紙としてリサイクルできない感熱紙のレシートに熱を加えて描く「レシートアート」を公開制作し、 和歌山県田辺市 本宮町の熊野本宮大社に奉納した。29日から境内で展示が始ま ...