When a menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman, James Gordon and Harvey Dent must work together to put an end to the madness.
After witnessing his parents' death, Bruce learns the art of fighting to confront injustice. When he returns to Gotham as Batman, he must stop a secret society that intends to destroy the city.
We're with you. Here are the top 30 Christian Bale movies, ranked using a combination of actorly performance with general movie awesomeness. (Super supporting roles have been left out.) ...
Christian Bale's portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight is legendary. Bale brought depth, darkness, and complexity to the iconic superhero. Directed by Mary Harron, ...
Although, Christian Bale’s first movie wasn’t some indie flick or feel-good family drama. Nope, it was Steven Spielberg’s Empire of the Sun (1987), and Bale was just 13. A war epic as a debut?
For better or for worse, there’s a certain trilogy that Christian Bale will always be associated with. In many ways, the Christopher Nolan Batman films can be viewed as a meditation on revenge through ...
While we know Christian Bale for his role as Batman ... This is also reflected in most of his movies including his final project. It mostly has to do with the film’s secrecy and ambiguity, as revealed ...