Here’s all the branding news we’re following this week. This week in branding news, the ’80s soda Jolt Cola staged its second ...
Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Lime have been spotted by in UK stores including Farmfoods and Tesco for the first time ...
If you're a fan of Coca Cola, you might have noticed that some of the bottles' iconic red caps have been replaced with yellow ...
Coca-Cola rarely breaks tradition from its iconic red packaging, and when it does its usually for a good reason as some ...
In the Christian bible, the color red is frequently used to symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ, whereas the color green is a symbol of the evergreen tree, which represents eternal life since it stays ...
Santa Claus’ suit may be one of his immutable features today, but he didn’t always wear red — and his closet used to be much ...
黄色いキャップのコーラは、このコーンシロップの代わりに、 砂糖などの別の甘味料を使用 して製造されていることを示すもの。ユダヤ教徒にとって、黄色いキャップは、過越祭の間も安心してコーラを楽しむための、大切な 目印 となっているわけだ。