This repository holds the PyTorch/FastAI implementation for "Skeleton Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Data Level Fusion". Alternatively, this drive folder mirrors this repository but also ...
There are many sensors that are important for a self driving vehicle, but the most important sensors used for path planning and decision making are camera, LiDAR, and Radar. Each of these sensors are ...
This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in, enabling multisensor data fusion to deliver better performance and accuracy levels. Multisensor data fusion is a method of acquiring data and ...
and discern the usefulness and intention of results to meet system-level goals. This authoritative book serves a practical reference for developers, designers, and users of data fusion services that ...
Our results highlight the promise of data and information fusion in the reconstruction of complex networks, by utilizing both microscopic node-level dynamics (e.g. time series data) and macroscopic ...
The present volume of Atomic and Plasma–Material Interaction Data for Fusion presents the results of a coordinated research project (CRP) on Atomic Data for Heavy Element Impurities in Fusion Reactors ...