幅広いカテゴリの商品が特別価格で購入できるAmazonのタイムセール。本日1月10日はフィリップス「モニターディスプレイ」 がセール価格で登場しています。詳しく紹介していきましょう。(サムネイル画像出典:Amazon) ...
LGは、世界最大級のエレクトロニクス展示会「CES 2025」にあわせて、スタンド照明とBTスピーカーを組み合わせた一体型フルHDプロジェクター「PF600U」を発表した。
第9回・第10回新株予約権10万個(第9回7万個、第10回3万個)▽潜在株式数=1000万株▽発行価格=1個につき第9回80円、第10回44円▽割当先=第9回EVO FUND、第10回G Future ...
Commodore 64 devotee Side Projects Lab has released a video teaser showcasing a 'true Full-HD HDMI' adaptor for the iconic 8-bit home computer.
Chromebooks are generally budget-friendly, but if you want to save even more, there are some great options on the market.
The multifunctional projector boasts FHD projection resolution, nine colors and five brightness levels in its lighting ...
Bring your gaming to a new level in the new year with a top-of-the-line portable at a deep discount, including major brands ...
Find the best business laptop offering a perfect blend of performance, portability, security, and long battery life for ...
Laptops are versatile devices essential for work, study, and entertainment. They offer portability, powerful performance, and ...
Amazon is offering up to 50% off on Smartchoice laptops. Explore the top 8 picks with excellent features and savings. Don’t ...
Struggling with video editing on your current laptop? Here are 10 best laptops for video editing that offer smooth performance even with the heaviest files.