Windows PC の調子が悪い時や PC を売却および処分する際、アプリやファイルを削除したい時などは、Windows を初期化することで解決できることが多くあります。 今回は、初期化の方法やトラブル解決に役立つ「リフレッシュ」「復元」の方法などをわかり ...
Worried about losing your game saves? Here's how to back up your games on Steam, GOG, Epic Games, and other PC platforms.
Since it reboots the PC using a minimal set of drivers, it can help isolate the problem. Once you restart in Safe Mode, locate the System Restore wizard mode and let the process complete.
Cloud PC restore points can be manually created both singly and in bulk. In this post, we will show you how to manually create & restore Cloud PC Restore Point in Windows 365 successfully.
So, you're switching from one Windows computer to another and want to transfer certain files and settings to your new PC. One ...