A new year often causes people to re-examine themselves and their goals. Most have regrets about what they did or didn’t do in the past. We can’t alter the past but we can put the past on the altar ...
On his 101st New Year’s Day, President Russell M. Nelson posted a tribute to the declaration as one of its 4 remaining ...
Jesus is the Word – to be spoken. Jesus is the Truth – to be told. Jesus is the Way – to be walked. Jesus is the Light – to be lit. Jesus is the Life – to be lived. Jesus is the Love ...
Biblical scholar John Bergsma tells the Register, ‘the Church to this day is still about the ministry of Jubilee.’ ...
I suppose it's an important part of my theological commitment that I believe that Jesus was divine in some way, but that it was Jesus who was divine. It was a human being who was divine.
Be childlike, Jesus tells us, and care for each other. Offer the helping hand, help the lost ones find their way home. We were all that way once. Is Jesus calling us to be that way again?
Carlo Acutis, it becomes clear that there is no one way to follow the teachings of Jesus and spread the Gospel message. In today’s Gospel, Jesus reprimands “this generation” of people ...