The police have rubbished claims they blocked controversial rappers Kneecap from selling some items of merchandise at a ...
最新投稿日時:2024/12/20 14:48 - 「ニルヴァーナの超希少なヴィンテージTシャツコレクション200枚を掲載した『NIRVANA T-SHIRT BOOK HOW LOWNG?』が発売」(PR TIMES) ...
Children's animated series Bluey is heading to the big screen after landing its very first feature film. The Australian ...
The fact that the era-defining 1990s cartoon sitcom is still in production today is a source of both wonder and despair ...
The peace that should accompany Christmas Eve was interrupted by gunfire in three separate locations within 10 minutes of ...
One of the more memorable movies in Jim Carrey's meteoritic rise to fame was 1994's The Mask, his second starring vehicle, ...
The celebrated writer’s partner sexually abused her daughter Andrea. The abuse transformed Munro’s fiction, but she left it ...
Cringe is everywhere around us. Within us, even. So when Reddit user PaddedValls made a post on r/AskUK, inviting people to ...
Death had marked Auster, and not for the final time. He had already mourned the sudden loss of one grandmother (heart attack) ...
Jurors heard suggestions today that Nasen Saadi, 20, was actually the victim of a case of 'mistaken identity' amid ...