Lian Liが、ランボルギーニとコラボしたPCケースを発売。そのケースを採用したパソコンショップSEVENのBTOパソコン「ZEFT R59LAM」は、高級スポーツカーのイメージに沿ったハイエンド向けの仕様に仕上がっていた。
Nintendo Switch Proコントローラーに組み込めるホールセンサースティック搭載のゲームパッド基板「FireBird For Pro-Controller v2.0 【プロコン型基板】」が家電のケンちゃんに入荷。
This is the most obnoxious (in a good way) gaming phone I have used, and I was surprised to learn I could use it as a ...
We're not overly impressed when the phrase "sub-$500 motherboard" turns out to mean $499.99, but MSI's MPG Z890 Carbon WiFi ...
Years back, when a small website called out for product-review editors. I leapt at the opportunity: I’d just wrapped up a four-year stint as a systems supplier. That experience provided the ...
If you were concerned that consoles were dying, you may rest easy, at least for the foreseeable future. PlayStation co-CEO ...
E ven though the 2020s still have a ways to go, the decade has already produced several fantastic games. As the years fly by ...
Interview | "I try to think about 'how video games are supposed to be', and then avoid that as much as I can": Suda51 talks ...