Of course, trees take a very long time to grow, so it's best to not go into acorn propagation with too high expectations. It will take years and years for your oak tree to grow an ...
A deadly new oak-tree disease can be prevented by pruning them in the dormant season (if needed) instead of spring or summer.
The winter months are the ideal time to prune oak trees in Michigan if you don’t want to put them at high risk for oak wilt.
And fall isn't the only season red oaks make a mess, either. During spring, oaks drop catkins: long clumps of flower clusters. It's fairly messy and terrible for allergies. Even though different types ...
Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), a cousin of the magnolia, is absolutely stunning in spring when it’s fragrant, ...
Planting an oak tree, if you have the room, provides acorns and leaves that feed and provide cover for millions of organisms and species while also sequestering carbon.
Oak wilt is caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum and it will kill oak trees, especially trees in the red oak family, ...
8—Red oak trees were supposed to provide shade ... The Lands Council partners with the district to plant the trees as part of CoolCanopy. "It doesn't make me happy," Davis said about the vandalism.
adding another level of stress to trees that were already on the brink. Summers are growing hotter and drier, threatening species that rely on moister soil such as the Northern red oak.
Red oak (Quercus rubra) has similar attributes ... and just as beautiful in fall when its leaves turn bright gold. These fast-growing trees reach 60-80 feet tall in zones 4-9 but are shallow ...