The Pokémon series is known for its iconic Pokémon through the years, and Gold, Silver, and Crystal have some winners, like ...
A new Pokemon Legends Z-A rumor has revealed that the Nintendo Switch game is set to have 21 different mega evolutions.
Many Pokémon species have specific evolution requirements, such as evolving when traded, when given an item, or when holding ...
This year, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet celebrated their second birthday. The latest main series games launched on November 18, ...
A Shiny evolution gone wrong makes Pokemon Go players ask for new ways to avoid being disappointed in the game.
Super Mario 64 was the first big 3D platformer, and Nintendo was basically the only developer to handle the transition from ...
The Pokemon Gold and Silver sukajan jackets based on Ho-Oh and Lugia cost 22,000 yen (~$146.58) each and will receive new stock from the Pokemon Center online store on December 10, 2024.
As the Nintendo Switch Online service continues to expand, these are the five games we want to see included in 2025.
Pokemon TCG Pocket has launched the first Emblem Event for the Mythical Island expansion, and here’s everything you need to ...
If you had a spare $2m (£1.5m) lying around, what would you spend it on? A huge mansion, a few cars, a couple of luxury ...
Some old Nintendo DS and GBA games are now worth as much as £345 each so you should check your cupboards, attics and garages ...
Pokemon mail allows users to write messages on stationery; first introduced in Gold and Silver games. A Pokemon fan has designed some save the date wedding invitations based on the second ...