Gyarados ex has the highest win rate but has a major flaw - it evolves from a Magikarp with 30 HP. Players use various ...
Over the years Pokemon has introduced some amazing rivals for the player to compete with, but which one stands above the rest?
Pokemon Go has increased the maximum limit for the Item Bag and Pokemon Storage. The limits have been increased by 500, with ...
They’re perfect for Boxing Day, or any day you want to take it super easy. Where will you start? Whether he’s building ...
Following a highly popular run at the National Crafts Museum in Ishikawa, and a tour of the USA, the exhibition finally ...
The Prismatic Evolutions expansion for Scarlet & Violet in the Pokémon TCG includes a secret Eevee card that showcases the ...
New geospatial AI models of Earth can see, think, and act in time and three-dimensional space. A game maker is leading the way.
日本時間6月19日のロッキーズ戦。この日も1番DHで先発出場した大谷選手は6回、バックスクリーンに飛び込むソロ本塁打を放ちます。飛距離は145m(476フィート)でした。さらに、ドジャースの最長ホームラン6本と、最も飛距離の長いホームラン20本のうち ...
地元紙「メンフィス・コマーシャルアピール」は「身長5フィート8インチ(約172センチ)の日本生まれのポイントガードは、リーグでセンセーションを巻き起こした。その結果、小規模市場のNBAチームとみなされてきたグリズリーズは、世界中でより多くのファンを獲 ...
Serial shoplifters are being hit with restraining orders in a bid to cut thefts in one city centre. It is thought to be the ...
ブレイキングダウン〝キング・オブ・アウトサイダー〟の啓之輔「安保さん大丈夫かよ体重差よ」 ソフトバンク入りの上沢直之、批判の声「分かっていた。これからプレーで示したい」 ...
Serena Williams' husband, Alexis Ohanian, recently shared a picture of his ModRetro—a modern take on the Game Boy color that supports all of its cartridges.