Going to shopping malls and stumbling upon a long queue of people outside a store has become a common sight these days. While these would typically be ...
KAMITSUBAKI STUDIOは、所属アーティストをモチーフにしたトレーディングカードゲーム「KAMITSUBAKI CARD GAME」のブースターパック第2弾「結束の連歌」とオフィシャルグッズの受注販売を開始しました。
株式会社コレクテスト(所在地:東京都大田区、代表取締役社長:岩田 翼)は、カルチュア・エクスペリエンス株式会社が運営する「TSUTAYA Trading Card ...
When six punches were earned, the cards were turned in for a chance to win one of three cash prizes ... The Kiddie Korner Boutique, Triple Play Custom Apparel, and Troop 47 Trading Co.
The glorious and ever-so-coveted 'box set' has been a target and focal point of music collectors since the inception of the ...