READ AN EXCERPT: "I Heard Her Call My Name" by Lucy Sante You may think you have a pretty good idea of the world map, but Atossa Araxia Abrahamian explains how special economic zones, tax havens, and ...
The winning $1.22 billion Mega Millions lottery ticket was sold at a Cottonwood, California store, where store owner Ishar ...
Many schools are built in floodplains, leaving the buildings vulnerable to inundation particularly as climate change enhances ...
【読売新聞】 「あのサイゼリヤに、とうとう行ける」。2024年、九州・四国で歓喜の声が上がった。店舗がなかった県に次々とサイゼリヤが進出したからだ。ファミリーレストランの出店は地域ごとに濃淡があるが、最近はそこに変化が表れはじめた。
There have long been rumours of big cats roaming the British countryside over the years and in the last few years these more sightings have been made.
【読売新聞】 来年1月2、3日に行われる第101回東京箱根間往復大学駅伝競走(箱根駅伝)で、国学院大が出雲全日本大学選抜駅伝、全日本大学駅伝に続く3冠を目指す。駅伝シーズンを通して主役の座を守り続けるか、ライバル校が史上6校目の偉業 ...
Two individuals found deceased in a tent in Wolcott last month were determined to have died from accidental drug overdoses, ...
In a first, “underwater drones” capable of diving up to 100 meters will be deployed during the upcoming Maha Kumbh to provide round-the-clock surveillance at Sangam area in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj, ...
As the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah holds, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) keep uncovering a significant ...
Baylor head coach Dave Aranda made a lot of changes after last year's three-win season. The Bears look different a year later ...
Tom Condon, who wrote for CT Mirror after a long career at The Hartford Courant, died this year but left a legacy. Here's a ...
The geographical spread of the McVeigh Partnership's 8000 hectares of farmland, spanning six main properties and some smaller ...