The AX43 looks and feels similar to the AX53 Handycam, with 4K video quality, a maximum 20x optical zoom (250x digital zoom) ...
Sincere Ellison, 18, and his brother Carson Bowman, 15, were on a mission to bring joy to people's hearts through their ...
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed part of a bill late Thursday that state lawmakers cast as protecting the medical free speech of doctors and other health professionals but that ...
Meghan Markle was reportedly not a fan of an idea put forward by her husband last year when it came to the Royal Family.
これがホントのコンパクトカメラ? 1917年に誕生した日本光学工業から始まった、日本の光学機器メーカーNikon(ニコン)。長い歴史の中でたくさんのカメラを発売し、いくつもの名機を生み出してきました。ニコン好きにブっ刺さる「Nikon ミニチュアカメラコレクション」は、一回500円で回すガシャポンのシリーズ。小さくなった全4種のラインナップはこちらです。・Nikon F : Nikkor-S A ...
毎日新聞のニュースサイトに掲載の記事・写真・図表など無断転載を禁止します。著作権は毎日新聞社またはその情報提供者に属します。 画像データは(株)フォーカスシステムズの電子透かし「acuagraphy」により著作権情報を確認できるようになっています。
Chandigarh is home to a growing community of people who are exploring and showcasing the city in their unique style.
Written, directed by, and co-starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, “Rob Peace” is an example of two types of endangered commercial filmmaking: it’s a biography of somebody who isn’t famous and a handsomely ...
WAGNER — Federal officers used pepper spray and shot and killed a young man with a criminal history moments after he ...
コロナ禍にハマった趣味の1つに、オールドコンデジ/デジカメがあります。キヤノンの初代「IXY DIGITAL」や、京セラ/コンタックスの「CONTAX SL300R ...
Zander Zephier was shot after law enforcement used pepper spray and entered the basement of his family's home on the Yankton ...