Sonic the Hedgehog 3’ introduces Shadow (Keanu Reeves) to the Sonic films, along with Gerald Robotnik, and teases another ...
A Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered multiplayer mod is in development by the community, and there's even early gameplay footage.
Epic Gamesストアにて、デベロッパーOne More Level開発で日本語にも対応の一人称視点で展開するアクションアドベンチャー『 Ghostrunner 2(ゴーストランナー2) ...
While we all wait for NetEase Games to either make its own take on the Symbiote Suit or use one of the many designs from the ...
Epic Games Storeにて12月25日限定でフィッシングアドベンチャー 「DREDGE」 が無料配布中だ。合計16本のゲームを配布する「ホリデーセール2024」の一環で、 配布期間が1日限定 ...
Marvel teases that a major Spider-Villain is “working behind the scenes weaponizing other Spider-Villains including one we haven’t seen in OVER SEVEN YEARS,” while also promising updates on the ...
Netflix and Google have teamed up to make a browser-based version of the Red Light, Green Light game from Squid Game season 1 ...
Man's new creative team and John Romita Jr. is among those set to work on the long-running title for its latest relaunch with ...
During an appearance on the ‘Dish’ podcast DEc. 17th, the ‘Spiderman’ actor reveals his plans to celebrate the upcoming ...
Sony has finally confirmed who's directing Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse – and one of the movie's producers has already ...
With a near-endless selection of online games and blockbuster titles vying for your time, it can feel a bit overwhelming to ...
It's a tough argument to declare which of Doubs' touchdowns was more impressive. On the 13-yarder in the first quarter, Doubs ...