特定のマウスでのみ使える機能なのかもしれない。 UnifyingとBluetoothのペアリング番号に注意 さて、M720は初期状態で1番のペアリング番号がUnifying ...
このほか、これまで同社のマウスやキーボードに付属していた「Unifyingレシーバー」の単品販売も始まっている。 BluetoothとUnifyingに対応した右手 ...
Anyway, it did not take long for me to realize that bluetooth keyboards are notoriously unreliable, intermittently disconnecting every so often. However, Unifying ones are much better. I never planned ...
This applies to all encrypted Unifying devices with keyboard capabilities (f.e. MX Anywhere 2S mouse). Logitech confirmed, that no patch will be provided for this new vulnerability. Due to ...