New York is free to levy a $3 billion a year tax on fuel sales in New York. But that would be unpopular, so instead it aims ...
The controversial new toll to drive into Manhattan will likely create cleaner air, safer streets and improved subways.
By questioning how corruption and power can be complementary rather than taken as isolated, Pini Jason Onyegbaduo (1948-2013) ...
When life hands you a significant blow, what can get you back on your feet? New research on coping with life's stresses shows ...
To age well, geriatricians say one underappreciated key is maintaining good balance. In the U.S., 3 million older people seek ...
In the face of a rapidly aging population, China is making top-level policy plans to put AI, BCI, and humanoid caregivers to ...
For general physical activity, which will improve balance as well as mood and overall health, the National Institute of Aging ...