所用で書店に立ち寄った際、近くの棚に平積みされていた学研の「大人の科学」は、35mmフィルムカメラ。完成品が入っているのではなく、組み立て式だ。こういうのやりたかったと素直に思えて、自分へのクリスマスプレゼントにと購入した。価格は5000円 ...
大人の科学マガジン『35mmフィルムカメラ』が11月7日にGakkenより発売された。 【写真】フィルムカメラで撮影した、エモい写真の数々を見る自分 ...
We haven’t seen a major brand release an analog film camera in literal decades. The clock reset this year. The Pentax 17 is a new half-frame 35mm film camera that captures vertically oriented photos ...
Pentax, a century-old Japanese manufacturer that has been part of Ricoh Imagining since 2011, wants to bring the joy of 35mm film back to the consumer and prosumer market. The Pentax 17 does many ...
Back in the late 1990s as the digital revolution overtook photography there were abortive attempts to develop a digital upgrade for 35mm film ... plane in a camera designed for film.