Specifically in Algebra II, as a team, we will examine ways to use the algebraic structure provided to form strategies that are appropriate for the given problem and minimize the amount of work needed ...
Specifically in Algebra II, as a team, we will examine ways to use the algebraic structure provided to for strategies that are appropriate for the given problem and minimize the amount of work needed ...
A youtube video that I made to show you how to use zoom for our class. Solutions for all problems except for #5 are here (note the solution for 5 is incorrect in this link. See instead the link below) ...
This story about eighth grade algebra was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization ...
The article was updated March 5 to include the letter from high-tech executives supporting the Algebra II requirement. It also clarifies that AP Statistics is for students who have completed Algebra ...
The United States is one of the only countries in the world that is teaching courses with names like Algebra I or Algebra II. The rest of the world, including our colleagues in Canada, teach ...
She asked for two deletions tying data science to advanced math in the framework chapter on high school. One referred to text for a diagram of pathways that implies that data science could be taken ...