The Vivo X200 series recently made its debut in India as the second smartphone to use the flagship-grade MediaTek Dimenisty 9400 chip in the country. While the top-end Vivo X200 Pro arrives with ...
MANILA, Philippines — Over 9,400 individuals were evacuated after Kanlaon Volcano, which lies between Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental, erupted on Monday, the Office of the Civil Defense ...
That's true with today's car, the 2025 BMW i5 M60 xDrive. When it was time for BMW to develop its fifth-generation EVs, it made more sense, as a smaller automaker, to create a vehicle architecture ...
Socket.IO is a performant real-time bi-directional communication library. There are two parts, the server written in node.js and the client typically javascript for the web. There are alternative ...