The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
In a recent Instagram clip from an interview with Josh Horowitz on his podcast, Happy Sad Confused, the Tenet star John David ...
It turns out that Powerpuff Girls creator Craig McCracken once pitched the idea of a Batman’s biggest foe, the Joker, facing off with the trio — but Warner Bros. shot it down. All the way back ...
The Joker is the most famous supervillain in history, so it's no surprise that Warner Bros. Discovery would want to make a ...
Jack Nicholson didn’t just play the Joker in Batman — he pulled off the ultimate Hollywood hustle. This is all thanks to a ...
The Joker is one such marquee character ... an as-yet-unrevealed television series set in the world of The Batman. Warner Bros. Pictures has dated The Batman Part II for October 2, 2026.
If there’s a sequel, it looks like this scene was a set-up for Joker vs. Batman. Barry grew up in Summerhill, Dublin, Ireland. He spent years in foster homes along with his brother. His mother ...
Joaquin Phoenix, an Academy Award winner for Arthur Fleck, delivers another powerful performance in Joker: Folie à Deux.